Linked Languages Resources

A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca



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The Tlingit language is spoken by the Tlingit people of Southeast Alaska and Western Canada. It is a branch of the Na-Dené language family. Extensive effort is being put into revitalization programs in Southeast Alaska to revive and preserve the Tlingit language and its culture. Russian Orthodox missionaries were the first to develop a written version of Tlingit, using the Cyrillic script to record and translate it, when the Russian Empire had contact with Alaska and the coast of North America down to Sonoma County, California. Later, American missionaries developed a written version of the language in the Latin alphabet.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[ar] التلينغيتية
[az] tlinqit dili
[bn] ত্লিঙ্গিট
[bs] tlingit
[br] Tlingiteg
[bg] тлингит
[ca] tlingit
[cs] tlingit
[da] tlingit
[de] Tlingit
[el] Τλίνγκιτ
[en] Tlingit language
[et] tlingiti
[fa] تلین‌گیتی
[fi] Tlingit
[fr] Tlingit
[gu] લિંગિત
[he] טלינגיט
[hi] त्लिंगित
[hr] tlingit
[hu] tlingit
[id] Tlingit
[is] tlingit
[it] tlingit
[ja] トリンギット語
[kn] ಟ್ಲಿಂಗಿಟ್
[ks] ٹِلِنگِت
[ko] 틀링깃족어
[lo] ທລີງກິດ
[lv] tlinkitu
[lt] Tlinkitų kalba
[ml] ലിംഗ്വിറ്റ്
[mr] लिंगित
[mk] тлингит
[mt] Tlingit
[nl] Tlingit
[nn] tlingit
[nb] tlingit
[or] ତ୍ଲିଙ୍ଗିଟ୍
[pl] Język tlingit
[pt] Língua tlingit
[rm] tlingit
[ro] tlingit
[ru] Тлингитский язык
[sk] tlingitčina
[sl] tlingitščina
[es] Idioma tlingit
[sr] Тлингит
[sv] tlingit
[ta] டிலிங்கிட்
[te] లింగిట్
[th] ทลิงกิต
[tr] Tlingit
[uk] тлінгіт
[vi] Tiếng Tlingit
[zh] 特林吉特語

Language type : Living

Language resources for Tlingit

Open Languages Archives

Wiktionary - Category:Tlingit language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:tlingit [fr]

Freelang Dictionary [en]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Tlingit.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is tli.

This page is marked up using RDFa,, and other linked open vocabularies. The raw RDF data can be extracted using the W3C RDFa Distiller.

Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-2B : tli
ISO 639-2T : tli
ISO 639-3 : tli

Linked Data URIs

More URIs at


Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: tli

Freebase ISO 639-3 : tli Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages