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by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca

Norwegian Nynorsk



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Nynorsk, Neo Norwegian or New Norwegian is one of two official written standards for the Norwegian language, the other being Bokmål. The standard language was created by Ivar Aasen during the mid-19th century, to provide a Norwegian alternative to the Danish language which was commonly written in Norway at the time. 27% of the Norwegian municipalities have declared Nynorsk as their official language form, and these comprise about 12% of the Norwegian population. Nynorsk is the majority form of the four counties Rogaland, Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane and Møre og Romsdal, which together comprise the region of Western Norway. The Norwegian Language Council recommends the name Norwegian Nynorsk when referring to this language in English.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[af] Noorweegse Nynorsk
[am] የኖርዌይ ናይኖርስክ
[ar] النينورسك النرويجي
[az] norveç ninorsk dili
[be] нарвежская (нюнорск)
[bn] নরওয়েজীয়ান নিনর্স্ক
[bo] ནོ་ཝེ་སྐད།
[bs] norveški njorsk
[br] Nynorsk
[bg] Нюношк
[ca] Nynorsk
[cs] Nynorsk
[cy] Norwyeg (Nynorsk)
[da] Nynorsk
[de] Norwegisch Nynorsk
[dz] ནོར་ཝེ་ཇི་ཡཱན་ནོརསཀ་ཁ
[el] Νορβηγικά Νινόρσκ
[en] Norwegian Nynorsk
[eo] Nynorsk
[et] Uusnorra keel
[eu] nynorsk norvegiera
[ee] nɔweigbe ninɔsk
[fo] nýnorskt
[fa] نرس جدید نروژی
[fi] Uusnorja
[fr] Nynorsk
[fy] Nynorsk
[gd] Nynorsk na Nirribhidh
[ga] Ioruais Nynorsk
[gl] Nynorsk
[gu] નૉર્વેજીયન નાયનૉર્સ્ક
[ha] Yaren Kasar Norway
[he] נורבגית חדשה
[hi] नॉर्वेजियन नाइनोर्स्क
[hr] Nynorsk
[hu] norvég nynorsk
[hy] Նորվեգերեն (Նյունորսկ)
[ia] norvegiano (nynorsk)
[id] Nynorsk Norwegia
[is] Nýnorska
[it] Nynorsk
[ja] ニーノシュク
[kn] ನಾರ್ವೇಜಿಯನ್ ನೂನಾರ್ಸ್ಕ್
[ks] ناروییَن نَے نورسک
[ka] ნიუნორსკი
[kk] Норвегиялық нинорск
[km] ន័រវែស នីនូស
[rw] Inyenoruveji (Nyonorusiki)
[ky] норвегияча
[ko] 노르웨이어(니노르스크)
[lo] ນໍເວກຈຽນ ນີນອດ
[lv] jaunnorvēģu
[lt] naujoji norvegų
[ml] നോർവീജിയൻ നൈനോർക്സ്
[mr] नॉर्वेजियन न्योर्स्क
[mk] норвешки ниноршк
[mt] Ninorsk Norveġiż
[ms] Nynorsk
[ne] नर्वेली नाइनोर्स्क
[nl] Noors - Nynorsk
[nn] Nynorsk
[nb] norsk nynorsk
[no] Nynorsk
[or] ନରୱେଜିଆନ୍ ନିୟୋର୍ସ୍କ
[om] Afaan Norwegian
[os] Нюнорск
[pl] Nynorsk
[pt] Novo norueguês
[ps] ناروېئي (نائنورسک)
[rm] norvegiais nynorsk
[ro] Nynorsk
[ru] Нюнорск
[si] නොවේර්ජියානු නයිනෝර්ස්ක්
[sk] Nynorsk
[sl] novonorveščina
[se] ođđadárogiella
[so] Nowrwejiyan (naynoroski)
[st] Se-norway (Nynorsk)
[es] Nynorsk
[sq] Norvegjisht (Nynorsk)
[sr] Норвешки њорск
[sv] Nynorska
[ta] நார்வேஜியன் நியூநார்ஸ்க்
[te] నార్విజియాన్ న్యోర్స్క్
[th] นอร์เวย์นีนอสก์
[ti] ኖርዌይኛ (ናይ ኝኖርስክ)
[to] lea fakanouei nosiki
[tr] Norveççe Nynorsk
[ug] يېڭى نورۋېگىيە تىلى
[uk] Нюношк
[ur] نورویجینی نینورسک
[vi] Nynorsk
[xh] Isi-Norwegia (Nynorsk)
[zh] 新挪威語
[zu] i-Norwegian Nynorsk

Language type : Living

Official language : Norway,

Language resources for Norwegian Nynorsk

Open Languages Archives

Norwegian Nynorsk Wikipedia
Norwegian Nynorsk Wiktionary
Wiktionary - Category:Norwegian Nynorsk language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:norvégien (nynorsk) [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Norwegian Nynorsk.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is nn.

This page is marked up using RDFa,, and other linked open vocabularies. The raw RDF data can be extracted using the W3C RDFa Distiller.

Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-1 : nn
ISO 639-2B : nno
ISO 639-2T : nno
ISO 639-3 : nno

Linked Data URIs

More URIs at


Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: nno

Freebase ISO 639-3 : nno Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages