Linked Languages Resources

A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca



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Sumerian is the language of ancient Sumer, which was spoken in southern Mesopotamia from at least the 4th millennium BC. During the 3rd millennium BC, a very intimate cultural symbiosis developed between the Sumerians and the Akkadians, which included widespread bilingualism. The influence of Sumerian on Akkadian (and vice versa) is evident in all areas, from lexical borrowing on a massive scale, to syntactic, morphological, and phonological convergence. This has prompted scholars to refer to Sumerian and Akkadian in the third millennium as a Sprachbund (area of linguistic convergence). Akkadian gradually replaced Sumerian as a spoken language around 2000 BC (the exact dating being a matter of debate), but Sumerian continued to be used as a sacred, ceremonial, literary and scientific language in Mesopotamia until the 1st century AD. Then, it was forgotten until the 19th century, when Assyriologists began deciphering the cuneiform inscriptions and excavated tablets left by these speakers. Sumerian is a language isolate. However some scholars are of the view that Sumerian language is related to the Austric group of languages.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[ar] السومارية
[az] Şumer dili
[be] шумерская
[bn] সুমেরীয়
[bs] sumerski
[br] Sumereg
[bg] Шумерски език
[ca] Sumeri
[cs] Sumerština
[cv] Шумер чĕлхи
[cy] Swmereg
[da] Sumerisk
[de] Sumerisch
[el] Σουμεριακή γλώσσα
[en] Sumerian language
[eo] Sumera lingvo
[et] Sumeri keel
[eu] Sumeriera
[fa] زبان سومری
[fi] Sumeri
[fr] Sumérien
[fy] Sumearysk
[gl] Lingua sumeria
[gu] સુમેરિયન
[sh] Sumerski jezik
[he] שומרית
[hi] सुमेरियन
[hr] Sumerski jezik
[hu] Sumer nyelv
[id] Bahasa Sumeria
[is] Súmerska
[it] Lingua sumera
[ja] シュメール語
[kn] ಸುಮೇರಿಯನ್
[ks] سُمیریَن
[ka] შუმერული ენა
[kk] Шумер тілі
[ky] Шумер жана түрк диалекттеринин тарыхый байланышы жана түрк тилинин жашы маселеси
[ko] 수메르어
[lo] ຊູເມີເລຍ
[la] Lingua Sumerica
[lv] šumeru
[li] Soemerisch
[lt] Šumerų kalba
[ml] സുമേരിയൻ
[mr] सुमेरियन
[mk] сумериски
[mt] Sumerjan
[nl] Soemerisch
[nn] Sumerisk
[nb] sumerisk
[no] Sumerisk
[or] ସୁମେରିଆନ୍
[pl] Język sumeryjski
[pt] Língua suméria
[rm] sumeric
[ro] Limba sumeriană
[ru] Шумерский язык
[sk] Sumerčina
[sl] sumerščina
[se] Sumeragiella
[es] Idioma sumerio
[sq] Gjuha sumere
[sr] Сумерски језик
[sv] Sumeriska
[ta] சுமேரிய மொழி
[te] సుమేరియాన్
[th] ซูเมอ
[tr] Sümerce
[uk] Шумерська мова
[vi] Tiếng Sumeria
[zh] 苏美尔语

Language type : Ancient

Language resources for Sumerian

Open Languages Archives

Wiktionary - Category:Sumerian language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:sumérien [fr]

Dictionnaire Freelang [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Sumerian.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is sux.

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ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-2B : sux
ISO 639-2T : sux
ISO 639-3 : sux

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Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: sux

Freebase ISO 639-3 : sux Country Information

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Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages