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A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca

Skolt Sami


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Skolt Sami (sääˊmǩiõll) is a Uralic, Sami language spoken by approximately 400 speakers in Finland, mainly in Sevettijärvi, and approximately 20–30 speakers of the Njuõˊttjäuˊrr (Notozero) dialect in an area surrounding Lake Lovozero in Russia. Skolt Sami used to also be spoken on the Neiden area of Norway, although it has died out there. It is written using a Roman orthography that was made official in 1973.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[ar] السكولت سامي
[az] skolt dili
[bn] স্কোল্ট সামি
[bs] skoltski jezik
[br] Samieg Skolt
[bg] Сколт-саамски език
[ca] Sami skolt
[cs] Skoltská sámština
[cy] Sami Scolt
[da] skolt sami
[de] Skolt-Lappisch
[el] Σκολτ Σάμι
[en] Sami, Skolt
[eo] Skolt-samea lingvo
[et] Koltasaami keel
[fi] Koltansaame
[fr] Same skolt
[gd] Sàmais Skolt
[gu] સ્કોલ્ટ સામી
[he] סקולט סאמי
[hi] स्कोल्ट सामी
[hr] skolt sami
[hu] Kolta számi nyelv
[id] Skolt Sami
[is] skoltesamíska
[it] Lingua sami skolt
[ja] スコルト・サーミ語
[kn] ಸ್ಕೋಟ್ ಸಾಮಿ
[ks] سکولٹ سَمی
[kv] Колтта саами кыв
[ko] 스콜트 사미어
[lo] ສກອດຊາມິ
[lv] skoltsāmu
[lt] Skolto samių kalba
[ml] സ്കോൾട്ട് സമി
[mr] स्कोल्ट सामी
[mk] Сколтски лапонски јазик
[mt] Skolt Sami
[nl] Skolt Sami
[nn] Skoltesamisk
[nb] skoltesamisk
[no] Skoltesamisk
[or] ସ୍କୋଲ୍ଟ ସାମୀ
[pl] lapoński Skolt
[pt] Língua sami de Skolt
[rm] sami skolt
[ro] skolt sami
[ru] Колтта-саамский язык
[sk] skolt
[sl] samijščina Skolt
[se] Nuortalašgiella
[es] Sami skolt
[sr] Сколтски језик
[sv] Skoltsamiska
[ta] ஸ்கோல்ட் சாமி
[te] స్కోల్ట్ సామి
[th] ซามิสคอลต์
[to] lea fakasami-sikolita
[tr] Skolt Sami
[uk] саамська скольт
[vi] Tiếng Skolt Sami

Language type : Living

Language resources for Skolt Sami

Open Languages Archives

Wiktionary - Category:Skolt Sami language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:same skolt [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Skolt Sami.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is sms.

This page is marked up using RDFa,, and other linked open vocabularies. The raw RDF data can be extracted using the W3C RDFa Distiller.

Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-2B : sms
ISO 639-2T : sms
ISO 639-3 : sms

Linked Data URIs

More URIs at


Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: sms

Freebase ISO 639-3 : sms Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages