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by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca

Old Norse


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Old Norse is a North Germanic language that was spoken by inhabitants of Scandinavia and inhabitants of their overseas settlements during the Viking Age, until about 1300. Proto-Norse developed into Old Norse by the 8th century, and Old Norse began to develop into the modern North Germanic languages in the mid- to late 14th century, ending the language phase known as Old Norse. These dates, however, are not absolute, since written Old Norse is found well into the 15th century. Old Norse was divided into three dialects: Old East Norse, Old West Norse, and Old Gutnish. Old West and East Norse formed a dialect continuum, with no clear geographical boundary between them. For example, Old East Norse traits were found in eastern Norway, although Old Norwegian is classified as Old West Norse, and Old West Norse traits were found in western Sweden. Most speakers spoke Old East Norse in what is present day Denmark and Sweden. Old Gutnish, the more obscure dialectal branch, is sometimes included in the Old East Norse dialect due to geographical associations. It developed its own unique features and shared in changes to both other branches. The 12th century Icelandic Gray Goose Laws state that Swedes, Norwegians, Icelanders and Danes spoke the same language, dǫnsk tunga (Danish tongue; speakers of Old East Norse would have said dansk tunga). Another term used, used especially commonly with reference to West Norse, was norrœnt mál (Nordic speech). Today Old Norse has developed into the modern North Germanic languages, and although distinct languages there is still considerable mutual intelligibility. In some instances the term Old Norse refers specifically to Old West Norse.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[af] Oudnoors
[ar] النورس القديم
[az] qədimi norsca
[be] старанарвежская
[bn] প্রাচীন নর্স ভাষা
[bs] stari norski
[br] Norseg
[bg] Нордически език
[ca] Nòrdic antic
[cs] Stará severština
[cy] Hen Norwyeg
[da] Norrønt
[de] Altnordisch
[el] Αρχαία σκανδιναβική γλώσσα
[en] Norse, Old
[eo] Malnovnordlanda lingvo
[et] Vanapõhja keel
[eu] Antzinako eskandinaviera
[fo] Norrønt
[fa] زبان نروژی باستان
[fi] Muinaisnorja
[fr] Vieux norrois
[fy] Aldnoarsk
[gd] Lochlannais
[gl] Antigo nórdico
[gu] જૂની નોર્સ
[sh] Staronordijski jezik
[he] נורדית עתיקה
[hi] पुराना नॉर्स
[hr] Staronordijski jezik
[hu] Óészaki nyelv
[id] Norse Kuno
[is] Fornnorræna
[it] Lingua norrena
[ja] 古ノルド語
[kn] ಪ್ರಾಚೀನ ನೋರ್ಸ್
[ks] پرون نارسی
[ko] 고대 노르드어
[lo] ນໍໂບຮານ
[la] Lingua Nordica antiqua
[lv] Sennorvēģu valoda
[lt] Senovės skandinavų kalba
[ml] പഴയ പേർഷ്യൻ
[mr] पुरातन नॉर्स
[mk] стар норски
[mt] Skandinav, Antik
[nl] Oudnoords
[nn] Norrønt språk
[nb] gammelnorsk
[no] Norrønt
[oc] Noroèc
[or] ପୁରୁଣା ନର୍ସ
[pl] Język staronordyjski
[pt] Língua nórdica antiga
[rm] nordic vegl
[ro] Limba nordică veche
[ru] Древнескандинавский язык
[sk] Staroseverčina
[sl] stara nordijščina
[es] Nórdico antiguo
[sr] Стари норски
[sv] Fornnordiska
[ta] பழைய நோர்ஸ்
[te] ప్రాచిన నోర్స్
[th] นอร์สโบราณ
[tr] Eski Nors dili
[uk] Давньоскандинавська мова
[vi] Tiếng Na Uy cổ
[zh] 古諾爾斯語

Language type : Ancient

Language resources for Old Norse

Open Languages Archives

Wiktionary - Category:Old Norse language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:vieux norrois [fr]

Freelang Dictionary [en]
Dictionnaire Freelang [fr]

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