Linked Languages Resources

A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca



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(Eastern) Saka or Sakan is a variety of Eastern Iranian languages, attested from the ancient Buddhist kingdoms of Khotan and Tumshuq in the Tarim Basin, in what in now southern Xinjiang, China. It is a Middle Iranian language. The two kingdoms differed in dialect, their speech known as Khotanese and Tumshuqese. Documents on wood and paper were written in modified Brahmi script with the addition of extra characters over time and unusual conjuncts such as ys for z. The documents date from the fourth to the eleventh century. Tumshuqese was more archaic than Khotanese, but it is much less understood because it appears in fewer manuscripts compared to Khotanese. Both dialects share features with modern Pashto and Wakhi. The language was known as Hvatanai in contemporary documents. Many Prakrit terms were borrowed from Khotanese into the Tocharian languages.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[ar] الخوتانيز
[az] xotan dili
[bn] খোটানিজ
[bs] kotanizijski
[br] khotaneg
[bg] Хотано-сакски език
[ca] khotanès
[cs] chotánština
[da] khotanesisk
[de] Sakisch
[el] Κοτανικά
[en] Khotanese
[et] saki
[fa] ختنی
[fi] Sakan kieli
[fr] Khotanais
[gu] ખોતાનીસ
[he] קוטאנזית
[hi] खोतानीस
[hr] khotanese
[hu] kotanéz
[id] Khotan
[is] kotaska
[it] khotanese
[ja] コータン語
[kn] ಖೋಟಾನೀಸ್
[ks] کھوتَنیٖز
[ko] 호탄어
[lo] ໂຄຕັນ
[lv] hotaniešu
[lt] kotanezų
[ml] ഘോറ്റാനേസേ
[mr] खोतानीस
[mk] котанески
[mt] Kotaniż
[nl] Khotanees
[nn] khotanesisk
[nb] khotanesisk
[no] Khotanesisk
[or] ଖୋତାନୀଜ୍
[pl] chotański
[pt] Língua kothanesa
[rm] khotanais
[ro] limbp khotaneză
[ru] Хотаносакский язык
[sk] chotančina
[sl] kotanščina
[es] kotanés
[sr] Котанешки
[sv] Sakiska
[ta] கோதானீஸ்
[te] ఖటోనీస్
[th] ภาษาซากา
[tr] Hotanca
[uk] хотаносакська
[vi] Tiếng Khotan
[zh] 于阗语

Language type : Ancient

Language resources for Khotanese

Open Languages Archives

Wiktionary - Category:Khotanese language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:khotanais [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Khotanese.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is kho.

This page is marked up using RDFa,, and other linked open vocabularies. The raw RDF data can be extracted using the W3C RDFa Distiller.

Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-2B : kho
ISO 639-2T : kho
ISO 639-3 : kho

Linked Data URIs

More URIs at


Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: kho

Freebase ISO 639-3 : kho Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages