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by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca

Fiji Hindi

Fiji Hindi


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Fiji Hindi, also known as Fijian Hindi or Fijian Hindustani, is the language spoken by all Fijian citizens of Indian descent, though a small number speak other languages at home. It is a form of the Awadhi variety of Hindi, influenced by Bhojpuri, not of Hindustani itself. It has also borrowed a large number of words from Fijian and English. A large number of words, unique to Fiji Hindi, have been created to cater for the new environment that Indo-Fijians now live in. First-generation Fiji Indians, who used the language as a lingua franca in Fiji, referred to it as Fiji Baat (Fiji talk).
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[af] Fidji Hindi
[ar] فيجي الهندية
[az] Fici hindisi
[ca] Hindi de Fiji
[cs] Fidžijská hindština
[cy] Fiji Hindi
[da] Fiji Hindi
[de] Fidschi-Hindi
[el] Φίτζι Χίντι γλώσσα
[en] Fiji Hindi
[eo] Fiĝa hinda lingvo
[eu] Fijiko hindi
[fi] Fidžinhindi
[fr] Hindi des Fidji
[gd] Inndis Fìdi
[gl] Hindi de Fidxi
[gu] ફીજી હિન્દી
[ht] Fidji Hindi
[hi] फ़ीजी हिन्दी
[hr] Fidžijski hindustanski jezik
[io] Fiji Hindi
[id] Bahasa Fiji Hindi
[is] Fídji-hindí
[it] Lingua Figi Hindi
[ja] フィジー・ヒンディー語
[kn] ಫಿಜಿ ಹಿಂದಿ
[ko] 피지 힌디어
[la] Lingua Hindi Vitiensis
[lv] Fidži hindi
[lt] Fidžių hindi kalba
[mk] Фиџискохиндиски јазик
[ms] Fiji Hindi
[ne] फिजी हिन्दी
[nl] Fijisch Hindoestani
[nn] Fiji-hindi
[no] Fijiansk hindi
[oc] Indi de Fiji
[pl] Hindi fidżyjskie
[pt] Hindi fijiano
[ro] Fiji Hindi
[ru] Фиджийский хинди
[es] Hindi de Fiyi
[sq] Fixhi Hindi
[sr] Фиџи Хинди
[sw] Fiji Hindi
[sv] Fijiansk hindi
[ta] ஃபிஜி இந்தி
[te] ఫిజి హిందీ
[tl] Pidyi Hindi
[th] ภาษาฮินดีฟิจิ
[tr] Fiji Hintçesi
[uk] Фіджійська гінді
[ur] فجی ہندی
[vi] Tiếng Hindi Fiji
[yi] פידזשי הינדי
[zh] 斐濟印地文

Language type : Living

Official language : Fiji,

Language resources for Fiji Hindi

Open Languages Archives

Fiji Hindi Wikipedia
Wiktionary - Category:Fiji Hindi language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:hindi des Fidji [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Fiji Hindi.
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