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by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca

Tornedalen Finnish


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Meänkieli (lit. our language) is the name used for their own dialect/language by the speakers of distinct Finnish dialects spoken in the northernmost part of Sweden along the valley of the Torne River. Linguistically, Meänkieli consists of two dialect sub-groups (Tornio and Jällivaara dialects) of the Peräpohjola dialects, which belong to the Western dialects of Finnish. For political and historical reasons it has the status of a minority language in Sweden. In Swedish nowadays, the language is usually referred to as Meänkieli also by the authorities; a common, and older, name is tornedalsfinska which literally means Torne Valley Finnish. Meänkieli refers to Torne Valley Finnish (also spoken on the Finnish side of the Torne River) and the Gällivare dialects which belong to the larger Peräpohjola dialect group. Meänkieli is distinguished from standard Finnish by the absence of influence on Meänkieli from modern 19th and 20th Century developments in Finnish. Meänkieli also contains many loanwords from Swedish pertaining to daily life. However, the frequency of loanwords is not exceptionally high when compared to some other Finnish dialects: for example the dialect of Rauma has roughly as many loanwords as Meänkieli. Meänkieli lacks two of the grammatical cases used in standard Finnish - the comitative and the instructive (they are used mostly in literary, official language in Finland). In Finland, Meänkieli is generally seen as a dialect of Northern Finnish. There is also a dialect of Meänkieli spoken around Gällivare which differs even more from standard Finnish.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[af] Meänkieli
[br] Meankieleg
[bg] Меанкиели
[ca] Meänkieli
[cs] Meänkieli
[da] Tornedalsfinsk
[de] Meänkieli
[en] Finnish, Tornedalen
[eo] Tornival-finna lingvo
[et] Meä keel
[eu] Meänkieli
[ee] Meängbe
[fi] Meänkieli
[fr] Meänkieli
[hu] Meänkieli nyelv
[it] Meänkieli
[ja] メアンキエリ
[ko] 메앤키엘리
[mk] Мејанкиели
[nl] Meänkieli
[nn] Meänkieli
[no] Tornedalsfinsk
[pl] Meänkieli
[pt] Língua meänkieli
[ru] Меянкиели
[sk] Meänkieli
[se] Meängiella
[es] Idioma meänkieli
[sv] Meänkieli
[tr] Meänkieli

Language type : Living

Language resources for Tornedalen Finnish

Open Languages Archives

Wiktionary - Category:Meänkieli language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:finnois tornedalien [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Tornedalen Finnish.
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