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A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca

Koyraboro Senni Songhai

Koyraboro senni


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Koyraboro Senni (or Eastern Songhay, or Koroboro Senni, or Koyra Senni) is a variety of Songhai in Mali, spoken by some 400,000 people along Niger River from Gourma-Rharous, east of Timbuktu, through Bourem, Gao, and Ansongo to the Mali–Niger border. The expression koyra-boro senn-i literally denotes the language of the town dwellers as opposed to nomads and other mobile people. Although Koyraboro Senni is associated with settled towns, it is a cosmopolitan language which has spread east and west of Gao, to the Fulani living at the Mali–Niger border and to the Bozo. East of Timbuktu, Koyra Senni gives way relatively abruptly to another Songhai language, Koyra Chiini.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[ca] koyraboro senni
[cs] koyraboro senni
[da] koyraboro senni
[de] Koyra Senni
[el] Κοϊραμπόρο Σένι
[en] Koyraboro Senni Songhai
[et] koyraboro senni
[fi] koyraboro senni
[fr] songhaï koyraboro senni
[he] קויראבורו סני
[hr] koyraboro senni
[hu] kojra-szenni
[id] Koyraboro Senni
[it] koyraboro senni
[ja] コイラボロ・センニ語
[ko] 코이야보로 세니어
[lo] ໂຄຣຍລາໂບໂລເຊນນິ
[lv] koiraboro senni
[lt] koyraboro seni
[mk] којраборо сени
[nl] Koyraboro Senni
[nb] koyraboro senni
[pl] koyraboro senni
[pt] koyraboro senni
[ro] koyraboro Senni
[ru] койраборо сенни
[sk] koyraboro senni
[es] koyraboro senni
[sv] Gao-songhay
[th] โคย์ราโบโรเซนนี
[tr] Koyraboro Senni
[uk] койраборо сені
[vi] Tiếng Koyraboro Senni

Language type : Living

Language resources for Koyraboro Senni Songhai

Open Languages Archives

Wiktionary - Category:Koyraboro Senni Songhai language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:songhaï koyraboro senni [fr]

Technical notes

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