Linked Languages Resources

A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca



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Mator or Motor was a Uralic language belonging to the group of Samoyedic languages, extinct since the 1840s. It was spoken in the northern region of the Sayan Mountains in Siberia, close to the Mongolian north border. The speakers of Mator lived in a wide area from the eastern parts of the Minusinsk District along the Yenisei River to the region of Lake Baikal. Three dialects of Mator were recorded: Mator proper as well as Taygi and Karagas (occasionally considered as separate languages, but their differences are few). Today the term Mator people is simply an alternate name of the Koibal, one of the five territorial sub-division groups of the Khakas. (Note that the name Koibal likewise derives from the related Samoyedic Koibal language. ) Mator has been frequently grouped together with Selkup and Kamassian as South Samoyedic. This is however an areal grouping not considered to constitute an actual sub-branch of the Samoyedic languages.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[br] Tofaeg
[bg] Тофаларски език
[cs] Tofalarština
[cv] Тофалар чĕлхи
[de] Tofalarische Sprache
[en] Karagas
[eo] Tofalara lingvo
[et] Karagassi keel
[fi] Tofan kieli
[fr] Tofalar
[kk] Тофа тілі
[mk] Тофански јазик
[no] Tofalarisk
[pl] Język tofa
[ru] Тофаларский язык
[tt] Тофалар теле
[th] ภาษาโตฟา
[tr] Tofaca

Language type : Living

Language resources for Karagas

Open Languages Archives

Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:tofalar [fr]

Freelang Dictionary [en]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Karagas.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is kim.

This page is marked up using RDFa,, and other linked open vocabularies. The raw RDF data can be extracted using the W3C RDFa Distiller.

Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-3 : kim

Linked Data URIs

More URIs at


Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: kim

Freebase ISO 639-3 : kim Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages