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by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca

Upper Taromi


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Tati is a group of northwestern Iranian dialects which are closely related to the Talysh language, spoken by the Tat people of Iran. Some sources use the term old Azari/Azeri to refer to the Tati language as it was spoken in the region before the spread of Turkic languages, and is now only spoken by different rural communities in Iranian Azerbaijan, and also in Zanjan and Qazvin provinces. In the field of phonetics Tati is similar to the rest of the north-western Iranian languages: it is distinguished by the persistence of Iranian *z, *s, *y-, * v- against the south-western d, h, j-, b-; development /ʒ/ < * j, */t͡ʃ/ against the south-west z, and the preservation of intervocalic and postvocalic *r and even, for a number of dialects, development rhotacism. In the field of morphology, Tati is less analytical in structure than the south-western Iranian languages. Having lost the ancient foundations of classes and verb, tati preserved case . It is a gender-neutral language except in some name and verb formations. Tati is an ergative language, i.e. with transitive verbs the subject/agent of the verb is expressed by the direct case in the present tenses, but by the oblique in the past tenses, whereas the direct object/patient in the present tenses is expressed by the oblique, but by the direct in the past.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[en] Taromi, Upper

Language type : Living

Language resources for Upper Taromi

Open Languages Archives

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This page is providing structured data for the language Upper Taromi.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is tov.

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ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-3 : tov

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Freebase ISO 639-3 : tov Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages