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by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca

Kemi Sami


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Kemi Sami is a Sami language that was originally spoken in the southernmost district of Finnish Lapland as far south as the Sami siidas around Kuusamo. A complex of local variants which had a distinct identity from other Sami dialects, but existed in a linguistic continuum between Inari Sami and Skolt Sami (some Kemi groups sounded more like Inari, and some more like Skolt, due to geographic proximity). Extinct now for over 100 years, few written examples of Kemi Sami survive. Johannes Schefferus's Lapponia from 1673 contains two yoik poems by the Kemi Sami Olof (Mattsson) Sirma, Guldnasas and Moarsi favrrot. A short vocabulary was written by the Finnish priest Jacob Fellman in 1829 after he visited the villages of Salla (Kuolajärvi until 1936) and Sompio. Also, the following translation of the Lord's Prayer survives: Lord's Prayer, village of Sompio Äätj miin, ki lak täivest. Paisse läos tu nammat. Alda pootos tu väldegodde. Läos tu taattot nou täivest, ku ädnamest. Adde miji täb päiv miin juokpäiv laip. Ja adde miji miin suddoit addagas, nou ku miieg addep miin velvolidäme. Ja ale sääte miin kjäusaussi. Mutto tjouta miin pahast. Tälle tu li väldegodde, vuöjme ja kudne ijankaikisest. Amen. This is Sirma's first poem Guldnasas; a Sami love story which he sang to spur on his reindeer so that they will run faster: This is Sirma's second poem Moarsi favrrot; the one he sang when he was far away from his love to prize her beauty.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[br] Samieg Kemi
[bg] Кеми-саамски език
[cs] Kemijská sámština
[de] Kemisamische Sprache
[en] Kemi Sami language
[eo] Kemi-samea lingvo
[et] Kemi saami keel
[fi] Keminsaame
[it] Lingua sami di Kemi
[lt] Kemės samių kalba
[mk] Кеми-лапонски јазик
[no] Kemisamisk
[pt] Língua sami de Kemi
[ru] Кеми-саамский язык
[se] Giemasámegiella
[sv] Kemisamiska

Language type : Extinct

Language resources for Kemi Sami

Open Languages Archives

Wiktionary - Category:Kemi Sami language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:same de Kemi [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Kemi Sami.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is sjk.

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Freebase ISO 639-3 : sjk Country Information

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Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages