Linked Languages Resources

A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca



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Shawiya Berber, or Chaouïa is the Zenati variety of the Berber language. Shawiya Berber is spoken by the Shawi Berbers of the Awras region of eastern Algeria and surrounding areas including Batna, Khenchela, Sétif, Oum El Bouaghi, Souk Ahras, Tébessa and the north part of Biskra. The Shawiyas call their language, also known as Numidian Berber, Tacawit. Estimates of number of speakers range from 1.4 to 3 million speakers. The French spelling of Chaouïa is commonly found, due to the influence of French literature on the language. Other spellings are Chaoui, Shawia, Tachawit, Thachawith, Tachaouith, and Thchèwith. In Shawiya, the leading /t/ - pronounced [θ] in that phonetic environment - is often reduced to an /h/, so the native name is often heard as Hašawiθ. Shawiya Berber was, until recently, an unwritten language and rarely taught at school. As the Shawiya people were predominantly rural and secluded, they often code-switch to Algerian Arabic, French or even English to discuss non-traditional technology and sociological concerns. Recently the Shawiya Berber language, together with Kabyle language, has began to achieve some cultural prominence thanks to the Berber cultural and political movements in Algeria.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[br] Chawiyeg
[en] Shawiya language
[eu] Xawia
[fr] Chaoui
[sh] Šavija
[hr] Tachawit jezik
[it] Lingua tashawit
[oc] Shaui

Language type : Living

Language resources for Tachawit

Open Languages Archives

Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:chaoui [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Tachawit.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is shy.

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Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-3 : shy

Linked Data URIs

More URIs at


Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: shy

Freebase ISO 639-3 : shy Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages