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by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca

Sri Lankan Creole Malay


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Sri Lankan Malay (also known as Sri Lankan Creole Malay and Bahasa Melayu) is an Austronesian language formed through a unique mixture of Sinhala and Tamil with Malay. Sri Lankan Malay is a restructured vernacular of Malay base spoken by at least five different communities in Sri Lanka which has evolved to be significantly divergent from other varieties of Malay due to intimate contact with the dominant languages of Sinhala and Tamil. The language is exclusively spoken by Sri Lankan Malays, whose ancestry include exiles and labourers brought by the Dutch and British, as well as soldiers in the Dutch garrison. They now constitute 0.3% of the Sri Lankan population, numbering some 46,000. Sri Lankan Malay survives mostly through oral contact. However, there have been rare instances when it was written in Sinhala or Tamil alphabet. In the 19th century, Sri Lankan Malay was written in the Gundul alphabet, which was based on the Arabic alphabet with similarities to the Jawi alphabet. Although there have been attempts to revive the written form of Sri Lankan Malay, it is presently in decline because many Malay youth are starting to adopt Sinhala or Tamil and English at home.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[en] Creole Malay, Sri Lankan

Language type : Living

Language resources for Sri Lankan Creole Malay

Open Languages Archives

Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:malais du Sri Lanka [fr]

Technical notes

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ISO 639-3 : sci

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Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages