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A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca

Northern Thai


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Northern Thai, Lanna, or Kham Mueang is the language of the Khon Mueang people of Lannathai, Thailand. It is a Tai language, closely related to Thai and Lao. Northern Thai has approximately six million speakers, most of whom live in Thailand, with a few thousand in northwestern Laos. Speakers of this language generally consider the name Thai Yuan to be pejorative. They generally call themselves khon mueang, Lannathai, or Northern Thai. The language is generally known by one of these terms, or as Phayap. The term Yuan is still sometimes used for Northern Thai's distinctive Tai Tham script, which is closely related to the old Tai Lue Script and the Lao religious alphabets. The use of the tua mueang, as the traditional alphabet is known, is now largely limited to Buddhist temples, where many old sermon manuscripts are still in active use. There is no active production of literature in the traditional alphabet. Most linguists consider Northern Thai to be more closely related to Thai and the other Chiang Saeng languages than to Lao and the Lao–Phutai languages, but the distinction is never easy to make, as the languages form a continuum with few sharp dividing lines.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[de] Lanna
[en] Northern Thai language
[ja] 北タイ語
[ko] 북부 타이어
[lo] ຄຳເມືອງ
[nl] Noordelijk Thai
[pl] Język północnotajski
[es] Idioma tailandés septentrional
[th] ภาษาไทยถิ่นเหนือ
[vi] Tiếng Bắc Thái

Language type : Living

Language resources for Northern Thai

Open Languages Archives

Wiktionary - Category:Northern Thai language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:thaï du Nord [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Northern Thai.
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Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages