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by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca



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Kalasha (also known as Kalasha-mondr) is an Indo-European language in the Indo-Aryan branch spoken by the Kalash people, further classified as a Dardic language in the Chitral Group. Georg Morgenstierne maintains that The Kalasha do not belong to the special Kafir branch of Indo-Iranian but speak a true Indo-Aryan language. The Kalasha language is phonologically atypical because it contrasts plain, long, nasal, and retroflex vowels as well as combinations of these (Heegård & Mørch 2004). According to the Chitrali researcher Rehmat Aziz Chitrali, the correct name of the language is Kalasha. According to one scholar, the Kalasha language is the closest modern language to Ancient Sanskrit(old Indo-Aryan) closely followed by Western Dardic language, Khowar. Kalasha is spoken by the Kalasha people who reside in the remote valleys of Bumburet, Birir and Rumbur, which are west of Ayun, which is ten miles down the river from Chitral Town, high in the Hindu Kush mountains in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. The Kalasha have their own religion, with gods and goddesses, although it is estimated that half of the Kalasha have converted to Islam. There are an estimated 6,000 speakers of Kalasha, of which 3,000 still follow the Kalasha religion and the other 3,000 have converted to Islam. According to Badshah Munir Bukhari, one of the world's leading authorities on this subject, Kalasha is also the ethnic name for the Nuristani inhabitants of a region southwest of the Kalasha Valleys, in the Waygal and middle Pech Valleys of Afghanistan's Nuristan Province. The term Kalasha seems to have been adopted by the Kalasha speakers of Chitral from the Nuristanis of Waygal, who for a time expanded up to southern Chitral several centuries ago. However, there is no close connection between the Indo-Aryan language Kalasha-mun and the Nuristani language Kalasha-ala, which descend from different branches of the Indo-Iranian languages. Until the latter 20th century, Kalasha was an undocumented language. More recently, through the work of a Greek NGO and local Kalasha elders seeking to preserve their oral traditions, a new Kalasha alphabet has been created. Working in close collaboration with various international researchers and linguists, Kalasha linguist Taj Khan Kalash organized first Kalasha Orthography Conference in Islamabad Pakistan. Having moved to Thessaloniki, Greece, to study linguistics in the Aristotle University, he and the Greek NGO Mesogaia took on the task of compiling the script and creating The Alphabet Book, a primer used to teach the alphabet to the Kalasha children. In 2004 he was able to raise funds to publish first alphabet book of Kalasha language based on Roman script designed by an Australian linguist, Gregory R. Cooper. Of all the languages in the subcontinent, Kalasha is likely the most conservative, along with the nearby western Dardic language Khowar. In a few cases, Kalasha is even more conservative than Khowar, e.g. in retaining voiced aspirate consonants, which have disappeared from most other Dardic languages. Some of the typical retentions of sounds and clusters (and meanings) are seen in the following list. However, note some common New Indo-Aryan and Dardic features as well. Examples of conservative features in Kalasha and Khowar are: Preservation of intervocalic /m/ (reduced to a nasalized /w/ or /v/ in late MIA elsewhere), e.g. Kal. grom, Kho. gram village < OIA grāma Non-deletion of intervocalic /t/, preserved as /l/ or /w/ in Kalasha, /r/ in Khowar (deleted in middle MIA elsewhere), e.g. Kho. brār brother < OIA bhrātṛ; Kal. ʃau < *ʃal, Kho. ʃor hundred < OIA śata Preservation of the distinction between all three OIA sibilants (dental /s/, palatal /ś/, retroflex /ṣ/); in most of the subcontinent, these three had already merged before 200 BC (early MIA) Preservation of sibilant + consonant, stop + /r/ clusters (lost by early MIA in most other places): Kal. aṣṭ, Kho. oṣṭ eight < OIA aṣṭā; Kal. hast, Kho. host hand < OIA hasta; Kal. istam bunch < OIA stamba; Kho. istōr pack horse < OIA sthōra; Kho. isnār bathed < OIA snāta; Kal. Kho. iskow peg < OIA *skabha; Kho. iśper white < OIA śvēta; Kal. isprɛs, Kho. iśpreṣi mother-in-law < OIA śvaśru; Kal. piṣṭ back < OIA pṛṣṭha; Kho. aśrū tear < OIA aśru. Kho. kren- buy < OIA krīṇ-; Kal. grom, Kho. grom village < OIA grāma; Kal. gŕä neck < OIA grīva; Kho. griṣp summer < OIA grīṣma Preservation of /ts/ in Kalasha (reinterpreted as a single phoneme) Direct preservation of many OIA case endings as so-called layer 1 case endings (as opposed to newer layer 2 case endings, typically tacked onto a layer-1 oblique case): Nominative Oblique (agentive?): Pl. Kal. -en, -an, Kho. -an, -an Genitive: Kal. -as (sg. ), -an (pl. ); Kho. -o (sg. ), -an, -ān (pl. ) Dative: Kho. -a < OIA dative -āya, elsewhere lost already in late OIA Instrumental: Kal. -an, Kho. -en < OIA -ēna Ablative: Kal. -ou, -ani, Kho. -ār Preservation of more than one verbal conjugation (e.g. Kho. mār-īm I kill vs. bri-um I die) Preservation of OIA distinction between primary (non-past) and secondary (past) endings and of a past-tense augment in a-, both lost entirely elsewhere: Kal. pim I drink, apis I drank; kārim I do, akārim I did Preservation of a verbal preterite tense (see examples above), with normal nominative/accusative marking and normal verbal agreement, as opposed to the ergative-type past tenses with nominal-type agreement elsewhere in NIA (originally based on a participial passive construction) History contains references to Siah-Posh Kafirs. Timur fought with them. Babur advised not to tangle with them. Alexander the Great encountered them. Genghis Khan passed by them. However, there is a question whether these were the Red or the Black Kafirs, or both. It has been widely assumed that these were the Red Kafirs who were thought of as fierce and independent, as opposed to the Black Kafirs, who were somewhat subservient to the King of Chitral. On the other hand, the word Siah-Posh Kafirs means Black Robed Kafirs, as siah means black; so it seems possible that it was the Black and not the Red Kafirs who fought against and defeated Tamurlane.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[br] Kalacheg
[en] Kalash language
[fi] Kalašan kieli
[fr] Kalasha
[no] Kalasha
[ru] Калашский язык
[sk] Kalaština
[ta] கலஷா மொழி

Language type : Living

Language resources for Kalasha

Open Languages Archives

Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:kalasha [fr]

Technical notes

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ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-3 : kls

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Freebase ISO 639-3 : kls Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages