Linked Languages Resources

A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca



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Fala is a Romance language commonly classified in the Portuguese-Galician subgroup, with some traits from Leonese, spoken in Spain by about 10,500 people, of whom 5,500 live in a valley of the northwestern part of Extremadura near the border with Portugal. The speakers of Fala live in the towns of Valverde del Fresno (Valverdi du Fresnu), Eljas (As Ellas) and San Martín de Trevejo (Sa Martín de Trebellu). Other names sometimes used for the language are Fala de Jálama or Fala de Xálima, but neither of them is used by the speakers themselves, who call their linguistic varieties lagarteiru (in Eljas), manhegu / mañegu (in San Martín de Trevejo) and valverdeiru (in Valverde del Fresno). Even though it has no official status, and has little presence in schools and church, use of the language is vigorous, and the literacy rate in Fala is nearly 100%. As a linguistic community, speakers have a strong, independent identity; even though Fala is mutually intelligible with the Galician language, they have rejected implementing a standard orthography similar to or based on the Galician one. A translation of the New Testament has been completely drafted in Fala (2011), but is not yet finalized.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[ca] Fala de Xàlima
[co] A Fala
[de] A Fala
[en] Fala language
[eu] Extremadurako fala
[fa] زبان فالا
[fr] Fala
[fy] Falaansk
[gl] Fala de Estremadura
[gv] Fala
[hr] Fala jezik
[it] Lingua fala
[ko] 팔라어
[la] Lingua Xalamensis
[nl] Fala
[no] Fala
[pt] Fala da Estremadura
[ru] Фала де Шалима
[es] Fala
[uk] Фальська мова

Language type : Living

Language resources for Fala

Open Languages Archives

Wiktionary - Category:Fala language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:valicien [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Fala.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is fax.

This page is marked up using RDFa,, and other linked open vocabularies. The raw RDF data can be extracted using the W3C RDFa Distiller.

Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-3 : fax

Linked Data URIs

More URIs at


Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: fax

Freebase ISO 639-3 : fax Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages